Alex Morang, MA
Alex is the director of career development at AMS. She received her master's degree in counseling psychology from Boston College where she completed a graduate assistantship in the office of career development at Wellesley College. While at BC, she was recruited by Brown University and has spent over 25 years counseling and advising thousands of Brown students.
Alex spent five years as the associate director of career planning services at Brown and 20 as the director of student affairs at Brown Medical School. Now, the director of career development, Alex directs the career advising programs for the medical school which include the Careers in Medicine program, the residency advising and application process, the Match and the Council of Specialty Advisors Program; a 75 member team of MD's who provide specialty specific advising and work closely with the Mary B. Arnold mentors.
Alex received national recognition by the American Association of Medical Colleges as the first recipient of the Careers in Medicine Excellence in Medical Student Advising Award and has been honored by the graduating class every year of her tenure at AMS with the Senior Class Administrative Award. Alex also received the Member of the Year award from the Eastern College Professional Association for leadership and excellence in the field of career counseling as well as the Sauber Award. Alex provides guidance and advice on specialty decision making, C.V's and personal statements, ERAS applications, mock interviews, and overall residency planning.
Alex lives in Portsmouth with her husband, golden retriever and two Maine Coon cats while her two sons are at college nearby at Harvard and WPI.